Equine Sessions
I am here to capture the one-of-a-kind relationship between a horse and their person. After having that relationship myself, I cherish any and all images that I have of my sweet boy and I. I want to be able to provide that for other people.
I can promise you three things:
No matter your reason for booking the session, you will have beautiful images as a result. You could be having a session with your first pony, with your show mount for the season, or your heart horse that is retiring or reaching his elder years, either way, your images will be stunning and be worth way more than you could ever ask or imagine.
I am patient and will work with you on the day of your session. I want this experience to be a safe, fun, and enjoyable. I bleed horses, so I am comfortable around them and have a lifetime of experience handling them. If you have a “hot” horse, you are safe with me and how we will work your session.
Your portraits will represent you. They will represent your horse and your relationship. I am not here to try and fake it, or represent someone who isn’t real. You and your horse are special and your relationship is special, so you can count on that showing up in your images.

horse & rider
Sessions begin at $350
There is just something about the relationship between a horse and their rider that is intangible. If you are an equestrian you know exactly what I am talking about. The trust, love, and shared heartbeat that you have when you are galloping through a field, coming up to a jump, or entering the ring, is unexplainable. Portraits are the best way to make those feelings, moments, and memories last a lifetime.
black background
Sessions begin at $200
Black background sessions are a creative and artistic way to show your equine’s beauty and personality. Prints from a session like this always stop people in their tracks and create a statement piece in your home. Black backgrounds are also a great addition to sale photographs as they show the horse as the main focus, and their true beauty.
horse & rider minis
Sessions are $150 each
Lesson barns look no further! A day or an afternoon of mini sessions for your clients is a great way to market your business, as your clients will be sharing these images all over social media! I remember when I was a young lesson rider, I had a favorite lesson horse! We all did growing up! Horse & rider mini sessions are a great way for your riders to have their portraits made with their lesson horses or their own on property without having to dive deep into a full session.
farm branding
Sessions begin at $700
Are you looking to upgrade your brand and your business outlook on all platforms, so that you can exponentially grow? If you said yes, then you are looking in the right place. This package is exactly what you are looking for. I am so excited to be offering a brand new package that includes all things branding for any barn, team, or equestrian business! Headshots, horse & rider sessions, lesson & exercise coverage, and more!
The horse with beauty unsurpassed, strength immeasurable, and grace unlike any other, still remains humble enough to carry a man upon its back.
— Amber Senti